Emergency Contacts
NHS 111:
24hours a day, 365 days a year, confidential medical help or advice. Call 111, or see their website here
Police (non-emergency):
Contact the police non-emergency 101 number.
Report anti-social behaviour to:
· West Yorkshire Police here
· Wakefield and District Housing here
· Wakefield Council here
· Leeds City Council here
· Leeds Homes here
Wakefield Council:
Call 0345 8506 506, or see their website here
Leeds City Council:
Call 0113 222 4444, or see their website here
24-hour emergency service and supply failures only: 0800 40 40 90
24-hour emergency service and gas repair only: 0800 111 999
Yorkshire Water:
24-hour emergency service: 0345 1 24 24 24
Flood line:
0845 988 1188
Support services
Benefits support:
Help at the Hub was created to help people deal with the impact of coronavirus on things like jobs, money and wellbeing. Find out more.here
Debt advice:
National Debtline. Call 0808 808 4000 or see their websitehere
Disability information and advice:
DIAL. Call 01977 723 933, or see their websitehere
Employment rights:
ACAS. Call 0300 1231100 or see their websitehere
Foreign travel advice:
Foreign and Commonwealth Office. See their websitehere
General advice on most issues:
Citizens' Advice. Call 0800 144 8848 or see their websitehere
Legal issues:
I am unable to intervene in legal matters and urge you to contact a solicitor if you need legal advice. You can read information here on finding free or affordable legal help here